Monday, January 12, 2015

San Francisco's Pier 39

San Francisco's Pier 39

No matter where I travel, San Francisco will always feel like home. Walking around Pier 39 reminds me of my childhood, when I would go there with my brothers and check out the sea lions and eat cinnamon donut holes after going to the arcade. Such a nostalgic feeling that you just can't forget. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Short Hair, Don't Care

Short Hair, Don't Care 

This year started and I wanted a drastic change (so cliche, I know). I knew that getting a tattoo or cleaning out my closet was definitely not what I was looking for. I made a list of things I wanted to do this year and how I will accomplish them, but I'm a very impatient person. I knew that my hair was getting longer and there's something about getting a fresh haircut that makes your entire outlook a little different. I had been trolling through Pinterest to find some fresh cuts. 

The only thing I can recommend when getting a new "do" is to do your homework and research first. Check out Pinterest, magazines, Instagram pages and ask your friends. Hair is hair and it will grow back so make sure you donate it if you can, go bold, get crazy and just know that if you take care of your hair, you can switch it up every few months. 

I've chopped my hair off before, so this time was definitely not as traumatic as the first. I love the feeling of having weight lifted off my shoulders (literally!!) I won't lie and say that I don't miss my long hair, but after a few months, it'll grow again. Hope this will give you some inspiration of your own! 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Winter Wineland

Winter Wineland

After living in Sonoma County's wine country for about five years, I've grown to love wine. This year a friend of mine wanted to celebrate her birthday by going wine tasting during Winter Wineland. The event consists of winery owners opening new barrels of wine for many enthusiasts to test out the seasons best wines. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to sip on some stomped grapes with some of my best friends. 

What I wore: 
Shirt: Nordstrom BP// Jacket: Express// Jeans: Gap// Shoes: Boutique// Necklace: Forever 21 

New Year, New Me... blah blah

New Year, New Me... Blah Blah

As many of my peers have posted on social media, this year begins the crazy resolution-ers getting back into the gym, on their new diet, planning big trips and unrealistic goals. I'm not going to start the "hate rant" but I think that resolutions should be realistic. Start small and work your way into reaching a goal. You want to lose 30 pounds by December? Let's break it down into weeks so that it seems attainable. You want to travel the world? Let's start by finding a job that pays enough money to buy a few plane tickets. 

I've come up with a short list of attainable goals for your 2015. 

1. Go big in January. 

Do something so crazy that you've been talking yourself into doing. Get that tattoo, chop off all your hair, sign up for a half marathon, buy the laptop, get the car you've been saving up for, buy the shoes! Go big in January so you can't turn back. 

2. Clean out your closet

Don't get rid of everything, but if you have a sweater in the back of your closet circa 2006 from your first date, with that weird guy in high school who now lost 80 pounds and attends some Ivy League school... please part ways. For the love of God, get rid of old baggage. The shoes that you can't seem to find an outfit to match with, get rid of them. Donate them, sell them, or have a friends-swap and make it a fun event with the girlfriends! 

3. Finish one project 

Did you start a scrapbook or some crafty project from Pinterest? Just finish one project, you'll feel accomplished from the start. You'll feel awesome & now you can move on to another. 
It doesn't hurt to treat yourself. If you have an upgrade, get that new phone. You've been eyeing that Michael Kors watch or some Steve Madden shoes, get them! Just one big purchase, don't get crazy! 
People always try to give an excuse to themselves as to why they 'need' certain items. If you're anything like me, I love shopping and love buying a lot all at once. But please remember, quality over quantity. Forever 21 is awesome, but it's time to upgrade the wardrobe slowly. 

5. Organize yourself (so cliche, but start small) 

Get a calendar to remind yourself for birthdays, plan fun small trips to make your year 'worth it'. Plan some meals through the week and gym classes. This will help you feel accomplished. Small rewards will lead to bigger ones. 

6. Change up your style

Maybe it's time to switch up the baggy sweatpants and basketball shorts to some skirts and jeans. Practice curling your hair or the infamous winged eyeliner, it doesn't hurt to switch it up. You have 365 days to look like a rockstar, let's make it happen right now!!!

Hey look, it's me & I chopped off all my hair!!! 

7. Plan ahead

So you want to go wine tasting... well buy your ticket now and iron out the details later. At least you know, you have it booked in your calendar right now. Have you always wanted to travel somewhere? Well book these flights now and start mapping out your plans. 

37th Annual Barrel TastingWine Road - Northern Sonoma County100+ Wineries!

March 6- 8 & March 13-15, 2015
11:00 am - 4:00 pm each day

Tickets go on sale in January 23, 2015