Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Nifty Thrifty

Nifty Thrifty

By far one of my favorite past times has to be thrift store hunting. Not only are you finding once in a lifetime pieces, but they are unique and you had to work hard to find such an amazing new article to your wardrobe. I recently went thrifting with a friend and found some of the best pieces for my closet, to date! 

5 tips to the best thrifting!

1. Go through each item! 
    It may be super annoying to look through each piece of clothing, but have to let your creative juices flow! You might find an awesome pattern that can be cut into a dress or find a cool romper stuck between the hangers. Check out all items and you won'd be disappointed.

2. Try on the clothes!
     Take the time to try on a few of the clothes. At least try on the jackets and sweaters in the mirror.

3. Be Bold!
    Time to be creative and look for the articles of clothing you wouldn't normally wear. This is the time to buy something that's different. No need to feel bad either. Don't commit to spending too much money on these items. 

4. Wash the clothes!
      Make sure the second you get home, you wash the clothes you bought. Clean them up, start your project, wash out the stains and make it look awesome!

5. You can leave empty handed.
     You don't have to leave with something every time you step into a second hand store. If you take the time to go through each item, I guarantee you'll find some great gems!

Thrifted: Purple, Navy and Black Velvet long blazer with great pockets $6.00

Thrifted: Hawaiian style short sleeve button up shirt and olive green hat

Thrifted: My favorite find of the day included these awesome black pointed flats with a medallion of a jaguar face in rhinestones and gold tips

My other purchases:
White leather vest $6.00
Light weight flower sweater $2.00
Men's flower button up shirt $4.00 
Tupac tank $3.00
Black Booties:$7.00

My friend purchased:
80's style colored windbreaker
Flower/jean vest
Red watch

Photography by Stacey Chatfield

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