Wednesday, December 16, 2015

San Francisco stole my heart & wallet

Mama made the big move

There you have it people, it's been confirmed by all sources!!! Kastania Victoria has moved to the most expensive city in America. Why do you ask? Well, I sat down with the very single twenty something year old to get the inside scoop. 

(what if people wrote like the tabloids on their blogs? haha this is great!) 

We sat down in a freezing apartment near the Sunset District to chat with the 'so-called' SF Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger about the big move. Here's what she had to say!

Hey there, to the people that read this blog (just my mom)! Just wanted to chat about my crazy logic in moving to the most expensive city in America and why I took the plunge.

Living at home and being in your twenty's, kinda sucks!   
By all means, some people have to move home for a number of reasons and I'm not discrediting it whatsoever (clearly I did it!) I'm just saying that there comes a point when you've saved up enough money to be a big kid and now you gotta get your butt out! As a single lady in my twenty's, sometimes I want to come home and drink an entire bottle of wine while watching Scandal in my pajamas, ALONE! Sometimes you can't do that when you live at home. SOMETIMES, your Mom would be concerned you're turning into an alcoholic. (I'm good Mom, don't trip)

Cliche is my middle name 
So freaking cliche, but my life is made up of cheesy cliches. I wanted to live in a big city after college and get the full experience. Yes, I lived in Anaheim (next to Disneyland, right outside of LA) but it just wasn't the same. Anaheim is still super suburbia. I live for the hustle and bustle of loud noises and people rushing around! I thrive on FOMO (fear of missing out)! If everyone around me is running around being the best version of themselves, then I want to jump on that train too!

Accomplish one goal in order to accomplish more goals 
If I didn't push myself to accomplish this goal within the time frame I gave myself, I would never accomplish any of my goals. I'm sounding over dramatic, I realize! I'm just saying that if I didn't follow through, then what would push me to accomplish my 5 year, 10 year or 15 year goals in life? I need to take myself serious before anyone else can take me seriously. 

Living Reality 
To be completely honest, I have two jobs in San Francisco and if anyone knows the Bay Area, the commute to the East Bay is a crazy one! Prepare to join my pity party in 3...2...1... 
Living in the East Bay is about an hour away which wouldn't be a problem if the BART Train didn't stop running around midnight. I felt like freaking Cinderella trying to catch the last train before I get stuck in SF. I could drive in, but the parking is an expensive pain in the butt. I work during the day at a tech company and at night, I work at a radio station. Most of the time, I'm working a concert and those end around midnight or 1AM. In order to continue working in the music industry, I had to bite the bullet and move. 

FOMO (fear of missing out) 
When you live in a big city with no responsibilities besides yourself, you have a million fun things to do! Being an adventure seeker and having been diagnosed with FOMO, this is a perfect place to be, for now. I'm too young to live a boring life and I want to experience everything the world has to offer. 

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